I have been checking out my progress here in the world of Etsy and am excited ot say things were up in 2012!
In 2011 I had only 52 orders, my views were 7,249 with 777 favorites!
In 2012 I had 196 orders, with views at 220,719 and 25,290 favorites!!!
the 2 biggest things I did in 2012 were Join 2 awesome teams (and actively work with them) and start using my social networks!
First I have to give a shout out to the 2 teams that have helped me promote, learn and become successful in the world of Etsy!
The first team focuses on Vintage Jewelry Sellers and promoting its the
Vintage Jewelry Sellers of Etsy or
VJSE. This team is exclusive to vintage jewelry sellers and we work together to boost our presence on Etsy and become successful sellers. It is a great group of individuals with many years of Vintage Jewelry experience! They are always looking for new members so check them out here:
The other team I am on focuses on Promotion to the Extreme, with daily activities to cover all your social network bases! this team is the
Promotional Frenzy Team. Each day on this team we focus on promoting one item in our shops in various social networks (Pinterest, Twitter, Wanelo, G+, StumbleUpon) we also focus on growing our presence on Etsy by growing circles, building team treasuries, and hearting items to make them more visible to buyers! This group includes every kind of artisan on Etsy, jewelry makers, clay artists, photographers, crochet and knitting, vintage, and MORE! This eclectic gathering of people brings so much retail, online and social networking knowledge that you are bound to learn something new each day! I know I do. They are currentl accepting new applications as well you can check them out here:
But remember this team requires weekly activity and is only for those willing to work their shops on a daily basis!!
The final step to my growth in sales was joining the world of social networking! It is a MUST in the world of internet selling! I joined them all Wanelo, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Twitter, Facebook and G+. After doing them for 6 months I checked my stats and Twitter and Pinterest account for 25% of my shop visits! sadly there is not way on Etsy yet to see where each sale came from but getting people to visit your shop is the first step!
I have only been using Wanelo and g+ for 3 months so I don't have solid #'s but I am getting views from both. StumbleUpon gets a lot of views and seems to be more consistent accounting for about 10% of my visits each month!
Facebook doesn't generate much traffic for me at this time but I m working on tweaking that and seeing how 2013 plays out.
So for those new to Etsy or not getting the #'s you are looking for I have 2 suggestions that helped me quadruple my sales in 2012.
1. Join a team that works for you and your products
2. SOCIAL NETWORKS ( I can't stress that enough!)
So my goals for 2013? I want to double my sales for a total of 400 sales. I think this can be achieved by working my social networks and focusing on daily activities with my teams!